Reliance PSC7000 Controller Features

The WR-D4007 is Reliance Electric PSC7000 Power Supply Card,The following introduction PSC7000 Controller Features:

High-speed synchronization communication with high -speed synchronous communication Sercos communication between drive devices will be performed.

High-speed calculation high -speed DSP is used to adopt a 150mflops high-speed calculation.

High-speed synchronization control of up to 10 axes is possible. (PG input and analog output) High-speed synchronization control of 1 rack 32 axes and up to 224 axes is possible. (When using SERCOS communication).

Corresponds to various feedback. We realize not only conventional PG signal feedback, but also Sercos, Synchlink, Resolva, High -Resolution Encoder, etc.

Compatible with diverse network supports various networks such as DCS net, CC-LINK, and DeviceNet.

USB 2.0 / Ethernet port programming and PC connections during maintenance are faster, reducing the time required for downloading and uploading application programs. In addition, during debugging, the internal state of the internal state is realized by the high -speed sampling oscilloscope function.

A compact flash card with a small, large capacity and high -speed access as a recording media for the compact flash card application program. The storage of abnormal information and production records can also be realized at the application level.

The time when the clock function abnormal occurs is possible.

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