Allen-Bradley common FAQ of 1715-IB16D

1715-IB16D is a Allen-Bradley discrete input module,PLC, DCS and other industrial electrical spare parts, Rockss Automation advantageous resources supply.

Let's share common FAQ for 1715-IB16D:

What is the 1715-IB16D's isolation voltage?

The 1715-IB16D's isolation voltage is 50 Volts continuous.

How many channels does the 1715-IB16D have?

The 1715-IB16D has 16 channels.

Can the 1715-IB16D's components be removed or replaced while it is online?

Yes, the 1715-IB16D's components can be removed or replaced while it is online.

Can the 1715-IB16D use copper wire?

Yes, the 1715-IB16D can use copper wire.

Does the 1715-IB16D have diagnostic testing?

Yes, the 1715-IB16D has diagnostic testing.

1. How many channels does the 1715-IB16D have?

The 1715-IB16D has Sixteen (16) input channels.

2. What are compatible terminal base assemblies for use with the 1715-IB16D?

Compatible terminal bases are 1715-TASIB16D or 1715-TADIB16D.

3. What is the accepted input signal voltage of the 1715-IB16D?

The 1715-IB16D accepts 18-32 VDC.

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