SERIPLEX Intelligent Wiring System Product Information

The SERIPLEX CPU Interface Cards allow software runningon a host computer to control and monitor sensors andactuators through a SERIPLEX control bus. These cards actas masters for a SERIPLEX bus, monitoring for bus faultconditions as well as exchanging input and output signals withI/O devices. The cards interact with the computer through a 2-kbyte memory interface, so that detailed knowledge of SERIPLEX protocol is not required to program the card.

Key Features:

•PC (ISA), PC/104, and VME interface cards

•Capacity of 7680 discrete or 480 16-bit analog signals

•Full selection of SERIPLEX bus parameters

•Full SERIPLEX data error detection:

—Digital Debounce for discrete input signals

—Complementary Data Retransmission (CDR) for analogand multi-bit signals

•Front-visible status and fault indicator lamps

•Compatible with all SERIPLEX I/O devices

•Version 1.5 emulation mode for software compatibility withearlier interface product versions

•2-kbyte dual-port RAM memory interface to host for fastresponse and simple software interface

•Includes program-development aids on CD-ROM:

—C-language programming library

—Windows NT low-level driver, with Control Panelconfiguration utility

—Programmer’s Guide manual

•Software drivers available from several leading control andMMI software vendors

•Advanced programming features:

—Host watchdog monitor

—Heartbeat indication

—Hardware interrupts to support exception-drivenprocessing

—32-character text indication of card and bus status

—Product identity and firmware version available in memory

•Auto Restart and other configurable responses to bus faults

•Special card operating modes:

—Monitor mode reportsinputs but disables outputs

—Emergency State modepresets all outputs toknown states

—Data Pass-Through letsinputs directly controloutputs without hostintervention

